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Meticulous is governed and upgraded by tokenholders using three components:

  1. MET token
  2. Governor
  3. Multisig

Together, these components enable the community to propose, vote on, and implement changes. Proposals can modify system parameters, activate or deactivate policies, and install or upgrade modules, effectively allowing the addition of new features and the mutation of the protocol.


MET is an ERC-20 token used for proposing upgrades, treasury allocations, and other items related to the MetaDAO. MET token can be obtained on Uniswap with assets like WETH, USDC, and more. The use cases of MET today include voting and as collateral in isolated lending pools.


MET allows the owner to delegate voting rights to any address, including their own. There's a few considerations to keep in mind when delegating:

  • Users can delegate to only one address at a time
  • The entire MET balance of the delegator is added to the delegatee’s vote count
  • Changes to the delegator's token balance automatically adjust the voting rights of the delegatee
  • Votes are delegated from the current block and onward, until the delegator delegates again or transfers all their MET

Delegation can be achieved by calling the delegate() function.